Learn to create a cool SVG loading spinner with this step-by-step guide. We'll use attributes like stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset to make it easy.
Use the spinner component as a loader indicator in your projects when fetching data based on an animated SVG using the utility classes from Tailwind CSS.
All spinners are displayed inside a 24 x 24 dp view box. The main content rests inside the live area of 22 dp with a padding of 1dp. Few points to consider:.
Upload and animate your own images! Supports both raster format ( PNG, JPG or GIF ) or vectorized SVG format. Pure CSS Spinner. If you only want some free ...
You can customize the size, color, and speed of these SVG preloading graphics. There are a selection of spinners and other simple repeating animations.
Spinner SVG Vector. Free Download Spinner SVG vector file in monocolor and multicolor type for Sketch and Figma from Spinner Vectors svg vector collection.